Sunday, November 30, 2008


Joshua is the only baby on both sides of the family (not for long...congrats, Jason & Lorraine!). There was much to be thankful for this year, and his smiling, cooing, precious baby presence made the holiday so much sweeter.

Here is what I was thankful for last year....I'll see if anything has changed....

for Chris. He has been so faithful and true throughout our marriage. I've never had reason to doubt or distrust him. I've now learned what an absolutely amazing daddy he is. Seeing him interact with our son is a pleasure.
...for my family. My parents, brother, and extended family are my support and lifeline. They pray daily for us, and I know they will be richly rewarded for their investment in our lives. I'm so thankful that their hearts were open right away to Joshua. He is truly part of this family, and that means the world to me.
...great in-laws. Seriously, I couldn't ask for a better family. I appreciate their humor, commitment, and generosity. Again, they accepted Joshua with open arms and hearts, and he is so blessed to have them in his life.
...our new home. God has so richly blessed us with this beautiful house we now call home. Yes, still thankful - lots has changed in this little house - and I don't mean just the baby stuff. We're happy here and that's important. friends. Those of you who are my friends, know that I don't make friends easily or quickly, and that I take friendship very seriously. Your loyalty and steadfastness have made all the difference. I have made at least 1 new, close friend and hopefully enhanced my other friendships. I hope this year to meet some new mom friends. dog. She provides so much joy to us! She's also wonderful with Josh. church family. They truly are like family to us. I know God has great plans for us as a body, and He is faithful! We've grown this year, and are reaching out in new and exciting ways. Praise the Lord. In spite of minor aches and pains, I thank God for his healing touch on both of us, and His protection. I'm also thankful for a healthy little boy.
...a good job. In fact, a job I love, which is so much more than I could ask for. And, in this economy, a fairly recession-proof one!
...a faithful God. Time and time again, He's proven Himself. When I've doubted, He's come through every time - not always how I think He should, but always perfectly.
Oh, my....I need Him more than ever before. How else can I be a good mom, a respectful wife, a loving daughter, a devoted friend, a wise teacher, and a sanctified Christ follower? That's a tall order, and there's no way to do it without Him.

I hope you found some things to be thankful for this year. I know that I have!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Joshua was dedicated at church this morning. We are privileged to have a church family that has been praying for us throughout this adoption process, and to share with them the joy of dedicating our son to God this morning was a treasure. We also welcomed our extended family to see Joshua dedicated to God. All of Joshua's grandparents were there, both uncles, and 3 great-grandparents, as well as a great aunt and an honorary aunt! What a blessing to have so many there to witness our commitment to raise our son to be a Christ-follower.

We are blessed by pastoral staff at our church that we don't just consider pastors, but friends. They prayed for us and will continue to pray as we raise our son in the "training and admonition of the Lord".

We celebrated with lunch at Old Country Buffet. Joshua was wonderful, as usual. He turns 3 months old tomorrow, and we're proud to call him our son. With God's help, we hope to raise Him to love Jesus with all his heart.