Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I have much to be thankful for this year.

1. God - my Savior and Redeemer. Where would I be without Him? Such a wretched person - full of dirt and grime. But with Him - I am redeemed by His blood and my sins are washed away. He upholds, sustains, guides, and protects. He is not surprised by anything I think or feel. He still loves me when I think or feel those things! Everything I am and have is because of His bountiful amazing grace.

2. Joshua - my amazing son. I can't begin to describe the blessing it is to be his mom. How undeserving I feel and how inadequate. He takes my breath away with his imagination and intelligence. I can't wait to see what the next years hold.

3. Chris - my husband of almost 8 years. He puts up with me in my funks. He supports me in parenting Josh. He's a hard worker even after this year of being laid off and working part time. He cares for his family and for others.

4. My family - all of them from my family of birth to my in-laws. They are all amazing wonderful people. I am blessed to be surrounded by parents and grandparents who are still married and loving and serving the Lord. I am blessed with a brother who is my friend. I am blessed with a sister-in-law who has become the sister I never had.

5. My job - teaching 4th grade. There are days - we all have them. But I truly love teaching, and I'm enjoying my class this year.

6. My friends - especially my MOPS gals.

It's the season of thankfulness. What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

First time for everything

Last week, I was on my way home from shopping at the mall when Chris called to let me know that Joshua decided to take a swig of his (J's) allergy medicine. Chris didn't know how much he drank. As I pulled into town past the fire station, the ambulance pulled out behind me and followed me to my house. The police were already there, and the paramedics came in the door behind me. I was focused on only one thing...JOSH!! He sat very quietly on my lap and let them check his heart and blood pressure while I spoke on the phone with poison control. We eventually determined that he didn't drink much, and they recommended watching him at home. He was fine - but it was our first emergency medical experience in almost 2.25 years! And he got a free teddy bear!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Joshua moved in 2 years ago, on September 17, 2008. He was 6 weeks old. I finally had my boy home. How has life changed since then?

My living room is littered with little boy toys. Trucks, blocks, puzzles, books, stuffed animals, sippy cups, and giant legoes now decorate my home.

Sleeping in is a thing of the past. I hear "mama" over the intercom, and as much as I would love to sleep in, my heart smiles to hear him call my name.

My car only holds 3 adults now instead of 4. His "buckle" as he calls it has its permanent spot in the back. He loves looking out the window and pointing out things.

My bank account is smaller. Between daycare, diapers, and a little spoiling, our budget has shifted around to incorporate his needs.

I've made new friends. I'm involved with MOPS because of Josh, and the women I've met there have been wonderful.

My world is smaller. These days are so fleeting and life is so busy that sweet moments of cuddly hugs are treasured like fine gold.

My heart is full. I could not imagine my life without him. I thank God every day for entrusting us with our precious gift.

This little boy is completely an amazing, miraculous treasure from God. He is every inch a 2 year old - complete with melt-downs, grubbiness, new words every day, stubbornness, and fierce independence. The beauty of him is that he loves unconditionally.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mom and Joshua Adventure

Joshua and I took a road trip this past week up to the Twin Cities. I was returning a visit to my college bff, Kris Schommer, and her family. Since we were heading all the way up there, we decided to make a few other stops as well.

Day 1 - Thursday. We left bright and early Thursday morning. After a stop for gas and lunch at McDonalds on the way up, we arrived in Ramsey, MN around 2:00. Joshua was very happy to see toys at Ethan and Erin's house, and they were very generous to share their toys with him. We went to free kids' day at Coborn's grocery store, and Joshua got free string cheese, a free cookie, a free banana, and a free popsicle. He also got to ride the penny horse. After a nice dinner of spaghetti, the kiddos played for a bit, and Joshua went to bed. Kris and I watched a movie, and then we hit the sack ourselves.

Day 2 - Friday. The weather was a bit iffy, so we decided to go to the pool (indoor/outdoor) at the Maple Grove Community Center. Joshua likes the zero-depth entry, and walked all the way to the 2 foot level. He fell often, with his head and face totally under, but he did a great job. I helped him up a few times, but mostly he did it himself. We decided to have lunch at a nearby McDonalds with a playland, since a park wasn't looking good with the weather. Once back to the house again, Joshua napped, and Kris and I got some talking time. We played a game and looked through some pictures. We had dinner again that night, played Phase 10 with Dan, and Kris and I played Disney Scene It.

Day 3 - Saturday. BUSY BUSY BUSY!! We headed out around 8:30 to meet my friend Kayla. I met Kayla while I was living in Fond du Lac, and she was a bridesmaid in my wedding. I hadn't seen her for more than passing since my wedding! We met her at Panera in Coon Rapids and had breakfast. After a muddy crossing of a highway under construction, we took a nice long walk through the Springbrook Nature Center. Joshua rode in his stroller the whole time, and Kayla and I got in some good conversation. I dropped her off where she needed to be, and Joshua and I headed out to the Como Zoo, a free zoo in St. Paul. We had to park in a distant lot and catch the shuttle bus to the zoo. Joshua thought it was pretty cool riding on a bus. Once at the zoo, we saw the monkeys in the monkey house. There was a baby orangutan, and the mama orangutan came right up to the glass where Joshua was. We also saw the baby giraffe with its mama. It was very hot, so we decided to have lunch and head back to the car. We stopped for a carousel ride on the way out to the shuttle bus. After getting back to our car, we headed out to Fridley, and Michael & Joyce's house. The Melzers have known me since I was 2, and are a wonderful encouragement to our whole family. Joshua took a good nap there, and we had a nice dinner with them and a friend of theirs, Rachel, who also teaches 4th grade.

Day 4 - Sunday. We attended Bethlehem Baptist Church (North Campus) with the Melzers and Joshua loved the nursery. After a brief stop back at their house, we headed south to Burnsville for a quick visit with Shawn and Rachel Nicholson and their boys. I've known Shawn since we were 5, and haven't seen him or his family for about 5 years. (way too long!!!) We had lunch with them and Joshua played with the boys for a bit before heading home. We stopped for pizza on the way home, and with the little voice in the back seat saying, "dada?? sadie??" we arrived home around 8:30. Joshua was very happy to be home, and I was very happy to see my bed...and Chris & Sadie of course!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Introducing a Terrific 2 year old!

More to come after Saturday's birthday party...

What a day!! Joshua started out cranky as all get out this morning!!! Thankfully a nice 2 hour nap made him much happier for his party. This year's party had a dog theme, since Joshua is in love with dogs. There were even 2 dogs in attendance, Sadie and Teddy. He had his kiddie pool out, and tried to get almost everyone at the party to get in with him. He would grab their hands and pull them over to the pool. Most people he dragged over there actually did stand and get their feet wet. We had a great day - Joshua is a very blessed little boy to have so many people love him.

Here's who joined us...
Grandma Mary & Grandpa Ron
Grandma Sue & Grandpa Mike
Uncle Michael, Aunt Kimberly, and Cousin ??
Uncle Paul
Great Grandma Bev & Great Grandpa Ken
Great Grandma Bohlman
Great Aunt Judy and her friend Sandy
Great Aunt Cheri
Mr. Joel, Ms. Dawn, and Miranda
"Aunt" Theresa, Talon, and Lorelai
Ms. Deb

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Jammin' your feet into shoes that are too small

I learned a lesson this week - both a practical one and a spiritual one.

I took Joshua to BabiesRUs since I had a coupon, and decided to get him some new shoes. They have papers there you can use to measure a kid's feet to make sure you get the proper size. I measured his feet and he should wear a size 7. That's all well and good, but I've been jamming his feet into size 5s and 6s. Now here's the thing...those shoes went on his feet. Maybe they were stretched out from wear, but they did go on, even with socks. I can't imagine how uncomfortable he wonder he always wants his shoes off in the car. So I bought him some 7s and then put away all the 5s and 6s.

Here's the spiritual lesson - how many times have I tried to keep my faith in the size that fit before? I cram my life and my perspective and my faith into what fit 3 or 4 years ago, but I'm not the same woman as before. I've grown as a woman, as a mother, as a wife, and as a Christian. It's time to measure myself correctly and get my feet in the right size shoes. God's provided all I need for this stage of my life, so why keep acting as though the old way still fits? I challenge you - if you are comfortable in a well-fitting pair of shoes, consider your walk as well - are you desperately trying to keep things the way they were, in spite of the fact that you've grown, or are you willing to "step" out in faith and walk in the new shoes God's given you, perfectly fitted to this place in your life and walk? After all, shoes were made for walking...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

23 months

One month to go until I have a "terrible" 2 year old...

Well, not really...the greatest joy in my life is being Joshua's mom. Even in his terrible moments....and there are a few. :) Joshua's really started talking a lot more...he's using sentences, and making his needs known. One of his favorite things to do is boss people around and order them to "Sit!" (although he sometimes says the "sh" sound instead of the "s". When you ask him what a cat says, he growls...because Grandma Sue's cat growls at him. He loves dogs of all shapes and sizes. HIs favorite word is eat, followed closely by the word poop. He is fascinated by all things related to the bathroom, but hasn't quite yet connected sitting on the potty. We'll be working on that more!

As I type this, I'm sitting up at the family cottage on the 4th of July, and Joshua is napping. He wears himself out up here, swimming and playing in the water, chasing the dogs around, playing on the boat, eating, eating some more, taking walks, and eating. Sort of like the rest of us. Vacations are different now, since being mom is a full time job and doesn't stop when I'm on "vacation". I'm enjoying my summer home with him - but it's very busy. We've had something going on almost every day.

So I have one month left to go. I don't know why turning 2 is a big deal...he's seemed more like a kid for quite a while now, but 2 seems like the threshold of baby to kid. How many more things will he experience and learn in his next year, during the "terrific 2s"? How will he change? I love the sound of him saying, "Mama", and I want him to learn to say "Love you". Already his hugs and kisses and "zerbets" are the best and melt my heart. Cuddling before sleep time is my favorite. He's an affectionate, adventurous, independent, stubborn, magnificent little guy and I'm crazy about him!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

22 months old

Pictures from the last few days....

He now says "cheese" when someone takes a picture of him.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What's in a name?

So today is Joshua's Adoption Day - the day 1 year ago that he officially became a Bohlman. I remember the day very well and always will. It's gotten me to thinking...because really, nothing about our family changed on that day except Joshua's name. We were already confident he was going to stay around for a why the big deal??

Here's why...

Think of your first name...(Joshua!) It identifies you. It's the one you hear all your life from those who love you, it's the one that mamas use when they make up songs to lull you to sleep. It's the one the teacher uses to get you to pay attention. First names are agonized over, many books have been written with first names in them. Joshua is a beautiful name that we both liked, and in the Bible, Joshua was a mighty man of valor. He stood firm in his belief in the face of contradictory evidence, and led his people to unlikely victories. Oh, that my son would be a man of valor and faith! So if your first name is about identity, then...

What about your middle name?? Many times, middle names are chosen to honor someone else. Perhaps a family member or favorite friend. Joshua's middle name (Michael) was chosen by his birthmom to honor a friend of hers who had passed away, but we liked it too, since it is my dad's name and Chris's brother's name. Middle names are about honor.

But that last name?? What's so special about it? Your last name is your belonging. When I took Chris's last name at our wedding, it was symbolic that he and I belong together. When Joshua received his new last name in court 1 year ago, it signified to the world that he belongs to this family. So while nothing changed, everything changed. My little boy belongs with us.

Here he is on Adoption Day 2010... and for comparison, on Adoption Day 2009.

Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm 21 months old!

Hi everyone! It's Joshua. Mama is really tired tonight, so she let me do the typing. She's tired because daddy's back to work (yea!), but he works in the evenings. So it's just mama and me all evening long. Mama's glad I go to bed at 7. She makes me do a lot of stuff before that - I think she's trying to wear me out!

I learned to say "go", "I help", "wow", and "Sadie"...that's a lot for me. The doctor was a little worried that I wasn't learning words fast enough, but when they checked it out more, they decided that I was just fine. They'll check me again when I turn 2, but I know that I'll have a lot to say then.

I LOVE the park. It's my favorite place to go. I like swinging and the twisty slide. Mama has to go on the twisty slide with me, but it's still lots of fun. I have so much fun that it's really hard when mama says time to leave. Sometimes I have to ride in the stroller back home, since I would rather stay and play.

Mama gets to stay home with me all summer. She's gonna let me have swimming lessons again, and we're gonna do all kinds of fun stuff. She says there's only 6 more weeks of school. That must be a good thing.

See you all next month! JOSHUA

Saturday, April 3, 2010

20 months old and Happy Easter!

Joshua continues to be the joy of our lives. He is 20 months old today, and is celebrating by cutting 4 new teeth. Poor kid! He's learning and exploring and getting dirty and doing all the other little boy things there are to do.

Tomorrow is Resurrection Sunday - we are so blessed to have a risen Savior! Not one who just died, but one who also LIVES! My Redeemer Lives!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

19 months

Joshua began this month with an ear infection in both ears, and the antibiotics to clear up the ear infection causing some other nasty side effects - resulting in many, many diaper changes... We picked up some acidophilus and it seems to be better. He ate a full meal tonight for the first time in almost a week.

We haven't been healthy around here lately, and it's taking its toll on all of us. Life continues to speed by, and our boy is growing faster than I imagined. He goes back in to the doc tomorrow for a shot and an ear check, and then gets a haircut.

I turn 33 on Saturday - and the best thing about my life is this little family. I was going to say Joshua, but that's not quite fair to Chris - who is after all, my partner in crime in raising this little guy. Joshua made me a birthday card, with Grandma Sue's help. It's quite the scrapbooked creation, and grandma only helped a little.

And oh, by the way, Abbott and Costello (see previous post) bit the dust a few weeks ago....we're much better with furry friends.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Halfway to 3

My baby boy is 1 and a half! He's begun pointing at things and saying "wa daaa?" in a high pitched voice... I think he's saying "What's that?" IF I can figure out what he's pointing at, I tell him. He's growing, and getting teeth...and learning to walk backwards, and climbing, and jibber jabbering all the time.

He has 2 new pet fish. We think their names are Abbott and Costello, in honor of Daddy's fondness for them.

At his dr. appt. today, he weighed 28 pounds and is 31 inches tall. He's graduated from laying on the baby scale to standing up on the big scale and big height measurer thingy.

He's the light of our lives and the joy of our hearts.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

17 months old

What's new at our house? Josh has learned to sign please....this results in him thinking that if he says please, he gets whatever he's asking for...which is very much not true. :)

He's also practicing using a fork, which makes for an interesting mess at dinner time.

I can't believe my baby is almost 1 1/2!