Sunday, October 21, 2007

How small is he?

Some people have been asking how small Daniel really can see in the pictures that he's sort of a "mini-baby", but it's hard to get the idea of how small he really is. He weighs 4 pounds, 5 ounces now, and hopefully this picture will provide some perspective. Those are our wedding rings...
Anyway, it turns out sometime in the last 4 days, since we were there Wednesday, Daniel acquired a staph infection that resulted in some cellulitis on his leg. He's been on antibiotics since Thursday, and the nurses tell me that the cellulitis is looking better every day. He also had an ear infection which gave him a perforated right eardrum. That should heal. There were a few temperature spikes during the course of the infection, and earlier this afternoon he had what appeared to be minor seizure activity. They loaded him up with phenobarbitol, and he has been sleeping peacefully all evening.
The time for prayer is certainly not over. I was reminded of a great Scripture today..."Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling..." I could easily fall into doubt and despair. I could easily fall into the "why me's". I could even fall into being angry at God. But what about the first part of that verse? "NOW TO HIM WHO IS ABLE!!!!" God is able. More than able. He is great, He does miracles so great. I have to trust Him for a miracle for my son. Each little issue that comes is one more thing for his tiny little body to fight against. But God IS able. Please keep praying for Daniel - and for Chris and I. We want to bring Daniel home whole and healthy, sound in body, mind, and spirit. I believe that is possible. We've heard from so many, even people we don't know, who are lifting this little man up in prayer...we want you to know that it blesses us beyond measure.


Sarah Wilde said...

I am lifting you all up every morning to our Lord and Savior. It is good to hear he is on the up & up. I know God will continue to work on Daniel.

That picture is absolutely precious! Definitely one to scrapbook or frame for the wall. You will never forget that precous little boy barely able to hold them for being so small. It truely is beautiful!

God bless you all!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the updates on sweet baby Daniel - your precious little son! I agree with sarah - that is an amazing photo!! Very touching!

My prayers are with all of you as you are in the midst of watching the miracles of our able God.

Love you much
Aunt Sharon

Cameron LeSage said...

My friend Sarah Wilde sent me the prayer request and I am so glad she did. I will lift you up in prayer every morning and I will share this with my two daughters (7 & 5 yr.) who will become prayer warriors for you every night before bed. God bless you all and may Peace be with you.

Ann Palm said...

Hi Chris and Rachel,
Just to let you both know we are holding Daniel in prayer daily.The picture is darling be sure to save it.
Ann Palm

Anonymous said...

What an awesome picture! That is one for the "Daniel" wall that will be hung in your home!

We are keeping little Daniel in prayer

Jonny & Tanya Schoessow
Fargo, ND