Friday, February 6, 2009

6 months old

Joshua is now 6 months old, and is a joy and a delight. He can sit up, roll from tummy to back, roll from back to side, and regularly ends up waking up in a different position then he fell asleep in. He is eating "solid" foods well, and LOVE, LOVE, LOVES them! He's 27 inches long, and 17 lbs. 13 oz. He didn't gain much from his weight at his 4 month appt, so the doctor will see him again in 1 month for a weight check. She thinks that the 4 month weight was a mistake, because he appears completely healthy and whole. He's got an ear infection right now, and a little eczema, but otherwise, he's great!

We can hardly believe that half a year has gone by! Life has changed in so many ways. I wasn't a social butterfly before, but I think I'm even more of a homebody now, since I work full time and want to be with him in the evenings as much as possible.

Here is his "official" 6 month picture....


Mandy said...

Could he be any cuter!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I love the baby jeans!!! :)