Saturday, January 22, 2011


Welcome to Patrick Michael, Joshua's new (and first) cousin. Patrick was born to Aunt Kimberly and Uncle Michael on January 17. We got to go visit him the next day, and Joshua did a very good job holding the baby. Hopefully they will be great friends!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I'm not making resolutions...but I do have some thoughts for the new year.

I want to pray more...not just the rote, ritual prayers before meals, but genuinely spending time talking to my Father.

I want to be a better housekeeper. I'm checking out to help me out with this...we'll see!!

I want to be a better mom. To do this, I have to be a better wife. This is hard for me. I like control.

I want to budget and prioritize our finances better.

I want to make the most of every day I have.