Monday, June 23, 2008

32 weeks 1 day

Joshua's birthmom had a non-stress test today, which Joshua passed with flying colors!! Everything looks good. I also got to meet the prenatal counselor who's been working with the birthmom through her pregnancy. The next ultrasound appointment will be on July 11. Hopefully, Joshua won't be shy, and we'll get some good pictures.

Chris & I are heading up to the Upper Peninsula with my parents camping later this week through next week. We expect to have a wonderful, relaxing time. I'll post pictures when we get back.

Thanks for your continued prayers and encouragement - we still need them!

Friday, June 13, 2008

30 weeks 5 days

I spent my afternoon with Joshua and his birthmom. We had lunch and shopped a little bit, and then went to the hospital for his ultrasound. He was feeling a bit shy today, and was hiding his face behind his hands, so we didn't get any good face or profile views. We did see (and hear) his heart (141 beats per minute), his spine, his brain, and his femur. The doctor said everything looks great, he's weighing in at 4 lbs. 2 oz. (with 9 weeks to go!!). His tummy is measuring a bit large, so they want birthmom to watch her blood sugar carefully. Otherwise, the appt was uneventful. No pics - but I felt incredibly blessed to be a part of it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Mom reminded me I haven't posted in a while - so here's an attempt.

I've so many thoughts running through my head lately. The countdown to due date is 67 days. That seems like a long time, but it's really just 2 months. We're mostly ready. I have most of what I need to get us through 2 weeks or so. People have really been amazingly generous. I've received many items (some expensive) for free! I know that is a major blessing from God.

I told a friend yesterday that there's a part of me that's resisting putting the baby's name to things - right now, it's a baby's room, not yet HIS room. I'm making a Christmas stocking, and I won't put his name on it until later - right now, it could be any baby's stocking. A bit of self-preservation, perhaps. I know that my God is faithful and true. He promises to work all things together for good for me. He promises that He plans to give me hope and a future. My life is in His hands, as is the life of our future child. Whether or not this situation works the way I have it planned - He is the author of my life story, and he knows how it ends, and all the chapters in between. I will continue to lean on Him, in times of doubt, anxiety, joy, fear, frustration, uncertainty, overwhelmedness (is that a word?), unrestrained happiness. He's felt all those emotions before, and He certainly understands when I do.

That said - I do believe that Joshua will be coming home with us later this summer. I'm so excited to meet him. Joshua's birthmom invited me to come to her ultrasound appointment with her on Friday. I can't wait!! Hearing his heartbeat and seeing him move will be completely amazing, and definitely unforgettable. I'm praying health and wholeness will be evident on the screen. I've also been invited to be in the delivery room when Joshua is born. Wow. Now I just have to figure out what to do with him when he is home. I've always been able to send babies home before - this one will be with me 24/7.

Does the nesting instinct set in for adoptive moms? I don't know - but it will certainly keep me busy over these next 2 months...doing all the laundry, gathering the last few baby items needed. And just hoping and praying. For all of you who are hoping and praying right along with us, I can't tell you how much it means.

For now - that's all I have. I'll post again after the ultrasound on Friday.