Sunday, November 2, 2008


Joshua was dedicated at church this morning. We are privileged to have a church family that has been praying for us throughout this adoption process, and to share with them the joy of dedicating our son to God this morning was a treasure. We also welcomed our extended family to see Joshua dedicated to God. All of Joshua's grandparents were there, both uncles, and 3 great-grandparents, as well as a great aunt and an honorary aunt! What a blessing to have so many there to witness our commitment to raise our son to be a Christ-follower.

We are blessed by pastoral staff at our church that we don't just consider pastors, but friends. They prayed for us and will continue to pray as we raise our son in the "training and admonition of the Lord".

We celebrated with lunch at Old Country Buffet. Joshua was wonderful, as usual. He turns 3 months old tomorrow, and we're proud to call him our son. With God's help, we hope to raise Him to love Jesus with all his heart.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Honorary aunt, that's me!! :)