Wednesday, September 26, 2012


It doesn't seem possible that my little boy has started school, but started school he has! He attends 4 year old kindergarten at the daycare center he's been going to for the past two years. He has 4k 3 hours every morning except Fridays, and he gets to stay and play with his friends until we can pick him up. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, he goes to "big school" (as he calls it) about halfway through the 4k day. Big school is the early childhood classroom where he gets some extra help with focus, attention, social skills, and other things that will help him in the large group school setting.

So far, I think he's enjoying it. He's off on a field trip to the apple orchard today...riding a school bus and everything. We have our first parent/teacher conference on Monday evening. Josh is exhausted when he gets home! No homework yet, but he has been asking to sort things at home. He likes play time the most...not a fan of coloring, but he'll do it if playtime is around the corner!

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